Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vegetable garden addition

Today, Saturday, we started on our new vegetable garden. We really need more room so we are digging up part of our back yard for more space for growing veggies. The grass is all dried up there but the ground is pretty hard. We borrowed our neighbor's (Stacey) rototiller. We found it worked better when dug it first with a shovel to kind of break it up. Then Mike went over it with the rototiller about four times and tilled it really good. If this works out good maybe we'll set up a produce stand on the front yard!click the arrow to see the video.


Gliebster said...

Hey Farmers. That's gonna be a nice big garden. Good thing the grass was dried up or that would have been super duper hard.

skg said...

You guys are so "macho". You can do anything!!!!! WOW!. When my baby-love gardens, I sit in the sun and read.I'm such a pansy!